The CBI, ED, and NCB has been investigating Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput case. The agencies have been leaving no stone unturned in probing the Late Actor’s case. The NCB official has recently arrested Rhea Chakraborty, her brother Showik, SSR‘s staff Samuel Miranda and Dipesh Sawant on charges of procuring drugs.
Now, Two more people are under the scanner of NCB in connection with the drug angle – Sushant Singh Rajput‘s former manager Shruti Modi and talent manager Jaya Saha.
Now, as per the latest reports, the NCB has summoned both Shruti Modi and Jaya Saha to join the investigation again on Monday, 21st September 2020, today.
Earlier, Shruti Modi‘s interrogation could not be completed on the other day as one of the NCB officials had tested positive for COVID-19. Both these ladies came under the scanner of the central agencies post the recovery of their WhatsApp chats with Rhea Chakraborty regarding drugs and other related stuff.
Also Read: NCB chief: Rhea Chakraborty’s case reveals drug racket having links on the International level like Dubai and Terror groups!
(Source: Pinkvilla)