Popular TV show Kasautii Zindagii Kay lead actor Parth Samthaan recently had tested positive for Covid-19. The actor had informed about the same on his social media handle. Now there’s a good news for all his fans, as Anurag Basu Aka Parth Samthaan has now tested negative for COVID in his second report.
The actor was tested positive for Covid-19 on July 12. Since then, Parth was getting treated under self-isolation at his home. Now as per recent reports in SpotboyE.com, the actor has tested negative for COVID-19.
A source close to the show informed SpotboyE.com that, “Parth got tested again for the deadly Coronavirus and thankfully his recent report shows it’s negative. Although the actor is not in a hurry to resume the shoot and wants to rest for some more time due to precautionary reasons.”
When Parth had tested positive for COVID, shoot of the show Kasautii Zindagii Kay had come to a halt for 4 days. And, the entire cast and crew of the show underwent COVID-19 tests and thankfully they all tested negative.