Satya opens up to Virat about his belief that Virat and Sai should reunite. Satya expresses his concern for their family’s happiness. He Admits that he doesn’t want to be the reason behind their separation. He reveals that Sai driven by a sense of responsibility. Due to their marriage thinks it is her duty to care for him.
Virat appears confused stating that he doesn’t understand what Satya is talking about. Satya clarifies that his marriage with Sai was merely a deal and not based on love. He explains that their comfort with each other is mistaken for love. Sai’s primary motive was to protect Your marriage.
Virat asks if Satya has discussed this with Sai. Satya confirms that he has but Sai feels responsible for his well-being and is hesitant to leave him. Satya believes that staying together without love would be unfair to both of them.
Virat feeling guilty for forcing Sai into a compromise acknowledges that he failed in his previous attempts to convince her. Satya shares his desire for Virat and Sai to experience true love just as their parents did after years of waiting.
As Sai prepares for the trip Savi suggests keeping Virat’s shirts in their bags so they can feel his presence through his scent whenever they miss him. Sai becomes emotional while Ashwini shares her desire to visit the temple and pray for Virat and Sai’s reunion especially for the sake of their children.
The suspense intensifies as Ramakant even from behind bars, continues to plot his revenge. He devises a dangerous plan that involves a hijacked airplane posing a grave threat to Virat’s life. It appears that both Sai and Virat might face a life-threatening situation.
Aslo Read: Gum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein: Satya Revile The Truth of Sai marriage
On the day of departure Sai, Satya and Savi bid farewell to the family. Amba expresses her concern and hopes they return soon after Satya’s recovery.