The popular drama series, Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin never fails to deliver interesting twists and turns. With each episode, the storyline becomes more gripping, leaving fans on the edge of their seats. The chemistry between Pakhi and Virat, along with the best performances of the cast, has won the hearts of viewers.
Satya is a character deeply in love with Sai and he is suffering a sudden paralysis attack. This incident takes a shocking turn as it is revealed that Satya has been deceiving everyone. His paralysis is a fake plan to make Sai forget her love for Virat and stay by his side.
Satya’s manipulative plan intensifies as he plays with Sai’s emotions. He realize that Sai still have feeling for Virat. As the tension rises, the story takes a significant leap forward, resulting in Satya and Sai parting ways for good.
Furious and determined Sai exposes Satya’s true face, longing to reunite with her one true love Virat. The upcoming episodes promise to bring closure to this complex love triangle, revealing the ultimate choice Sai will make.
Stay tuned to Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin as the story continues to captivate viewers with its twists. Make Sure to visit celebrity Tadka and give your views on this in comment section