Star Plus show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin is grabbing lot of attention nowadays. The show stars Ayesha Singh and Neil Bhatt in lead. The ongoing track revolves around Sai reaching Chavan house to tell the truth to Vinayak that she is his real mother after Virat failed to tell the truth to Pakhi and Chavan family that Vinu is his and Sai’s son whom they had lost in the accident. Sai shocks entire family by revealing that Vinu is her real son whom she lost in the accident and Pakhi-Virat adopted him from orphanage.
Sai also reveals how Virat knew the truth but hided it from everyone. Bhavani regrets not accepting Vinu fully and treating him like a orphan. Ashwini, Ninad and other gets happy hearing this while Sai decides to meet Vinayak and inform him that she is his real mother. Virat tries to stop Sai as he haven’t revealed the truth to Pakhi yet but Sai doesn’t listens.
Sai marches towards Vinu’s room while Virat to rushes to meet Pakhi. However, Sai and Virat both gets shocked as Vinu and Pakhi goes missing. Virat tells family that Pakhi and Vinu’s passport is missing and doubts that Pakhi must have run away with Vinayak. This leaves Sai stressed.
ALSO READ: Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin: Vinayak to choose Pakhi over Sai?
In the upcoming episode we will see Sai blaming Virat for knitting a conspiracy along with Pakhi so that she can escape with Vinayak. As per India Forums, Sai will lodge a police complaint against him while Virat claims to be innocent. Reportedly, it was Jagtap who informed the truth to Pakhi and in the nick of the time she decided to leave the country along with Vinayak.
Sai and Virat will respectively search Pakhi and Vinayak and will finally come face to face with her. However, Pakhi will point a gun at herself threating to kill herself if they tries to take Vinu away from her. Sai and Virat try to take the gun from her hand and in the tussle, the trigger of the gun gets pulled.
GHKKPM produced by Cockcrow Entertainment and Shaika Films. Its written by Leena Gangopadhyay and directed by Jaydeep Sen, Ranjeet Gupta and Ashwini Saraswat. Its a remake of Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Kusum Dola. The show features actors like Aishwarya Sharma, Kishori Shahane, Vihaan Verma, Bharti Patil, Sheetal Maulik, Mitaali Nag. Yash Pandit, Siddharth Bodke among others.
(Image Source: StarPlus, Hotstar)