Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin actress Aishwarya Sharma shared a lovely post dedicated to her co-star & fiancé Neil Bhatt. The actress showered praises at him for his hard work and dedication. Aishwarya took to her Instagram handle and shared a behind the scenes video of Neil from the set of their TV show GHKKPM. The video is from the Holi sequence where Neil is seen dancing to a Marathi song ‘Wajle Ki Bara‘.
Sharing the video, Aishwarya, who was recording the video, wrote a long note praising Neil and can be heard hooting for her fiancé. She wrote, “So here I am proudly talking about my co-actor and my soon to be husband @bhatt_neil.. He is the best and most hardworking actor and dancer I have ever worked with. I just wanna tell you all he hasn’t stopped even after recovering from covid he is just persistently working in 40 degrees without taking any rest, he gets weakness bouts but he keeps going he just never stops and gives his 1000% in everything. I am so proud of you my love.. love you more and more and more everyday. And those “THUMKAS” oh my god.. I am dead.”
Have a look at the post right here:
Speaking of the show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, it is produced by Cockcrow Entertainment and Shaika Films. GHKKPM is one of the most loved show on television and bringing good TRP numbers. It stars Ayesha Singh, Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma in lead role as Sai, Virat and Pakhi respectively.
ALSO READ: Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin: Sai to run away with Devyani amidst Holi celebrations in the show
(Image Source: Instagram-Aishwarya Sharma)