Popular TV couple Debina Bonnerjee and Gurmeet Chaudhary had recently tested positive for COVID-19. As per reports in the media, Gurmeet was in Jaipur and returned Mumbai on September 17 after wrapping up the shooting of his Bollywood film. In an interaction with Mumbai Mirror, he told that they shot for the film taking all the necessary precautions.
He quoted saying, “We all got tested in the city and on August 16, left for Jaipur, where we were tested again. Six days after everyone tested negative, we went on the set. We had our own cook and there was no outside contact.”
Debina and Gurmeet had tested positive for Covid-19 in the last week of September. They were in home quarantine. Gurmeet had then shared on Twitter informing about the same, “My wife Debina & I have tested positive for COVID-19 today. We are touch wood doing fine and are taking all the necessary precautions in isolation at home. We request all those who have been in contact with us to take care. Thank you all for your love and support.”
Now, Gurmeet‘s wife Debina shared a good news on her social media handle. The actress has now tested negative and is free from coronavirus. Sharing the post, she thanked everyone for their prayers.
Also Read: Gurmeet Choudhary and Debina Bonnerjee Tests Positive For COVID-19
(Source: Instagram)