Popular Indian actor Sidharth Shukla has recently made his digital debut with Ekta Kapoor‘s much awaited web series Broken But Beautiful 3. He was seen opposite Sonia Rathee in the web series. The actor was seen essaying the role of Agastya Rao, a writer-director in the web series while Sonia was seen playing the role of Rumi Desai.
Now, after Broken But Beautiful 3 release, Sidharth Shukla next will be seen in Colors TV’s popular reality show Dance Deewane 3. As per reports in SpotboyE.com, the Dil Se Dil Tak actor will shoot for an integration episode of BBB3 on Dance Deewane 3. A source informed the portal, “Sidharth will be shooting for an integration episode of Broken But Beautiful 3 on Dance Deewane 3. Sidharth will be visiting the set tomorrow in Umbergaon where we will see him as a special guest along with judges Madhuri Dixit, Dharmesh Yelande and Tushar Kalia.”
Sidharth who is known for his powerful acting has also been a powerful host on reality shows like India’s Got Talent season 6 and 7. He has won reality shows like Bigg Boss 13 and Khatron Ke Khiladi 7. Sidharth also hosted one of the episodes of Bigg Boss 14 in Salman Khan‘s absence.
Talking of Sidharth‘s web series, the ALTBalaji‘s romantic drama is receiving a great response from audience. BBB 3 produced by Sarita A Tanwar and Niraj Kothari of 11:11 Productions and directed by Priyanka Ghose. Apart from Sidharth Shukla & Sonia Rathee, the web series also stars Ehan Bhatt, Manvir Singh, Jahnavi Dhanrajgir, Bishakha Thapa, Taniya Kalrra, Saloni Khanna Patel among others.
(Image Source: Twitter-ColorsTV, Instagram-SidharthShukla)