Popular Indian TV actor Sidharth Shukla, who gained immense popularity with his stint in the controversial show Bigg Boss 13, has been making lot of headlines nowadays. From his upcoming projects to his social media posts, the handsome hunk is always in news. Sid will soon be seen making his OTT debut with Ekta Kapoor‘s Broken But Beautiful 3. Meanwhile, as per latest reports in media, Sidharth Shukla likely to join the cast of Prabhas‘ ‘Adipurush‘.
Prabhas’ much awaited upcoming film ‘Adipurush‘ had started rolling on January 19, 2021, in Mumbai. Reportedly, Om Raut of ‘Tanhaji‘ fame will be helming this film, and Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, and Prashant Sutar are bankrolling the project under the banner of T-Series Films in association with Retrophiles.
The latest reports suggests that Balika Vadhu actor will be part of ‘Adipurush‘. While the makers haven’t released any official statement about his character, there are reports that Sidharth will be seen essaying the role of Meghnad, the elder son of Ravana. As per reports in Times Of India, his character will be a pivotal one, and he will have a lot of scope to perform. The team recently narrated the script to him over a phone call and he was quite impressed with it. However, an official confirmation is awaited about Sidharth Shukla’s role.
Speaking of Pabhas‘ mythological action-drama ‘Adipurush‘, is said to be the adaptation of the Indian epic that revolves around the triumph of good over evil. The makers have roped in popular actors like Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan and Sunny Singh among others, making it an ensemble cast. The shooting for the movie commenced in 2021 but had to be delayed due to the second wave of pandemic-induced lockdown. The film will hit the theatres on August 11, 2022.
(Image Source: Instagram-SidharthShukla, Prabhas)