Actress Naina Singh, who was last in Ekta Kapoor‘s popular TV show KumKum Bhagya, is currently locked inside the Bigg Boss 14 house as one of wild card contestant. The actress is performing well in the show. The Splitsvilla fame in an interview with Spotboye revealed about her mother’s advice for her when she was all set to enter the Bigg Boss 14 house.
Speaking about the same, Naina said, “People have perceptions about me that I’m very upfront and aggressive as they have seen me on other reality shows. But my mother knows her daughter and she knows I am. So, she told me you please don’t get stressed with anyone’s behaviour. The people who are already inside may overpower you but you have to take your stand and fight for yourself. And for that you don’t have to raise your voice or put somebody down. You can always answer them by not losing your dignity. Lad lena jab bhi zaroorat pade.”
Naina Singh further reveals her mother’s funniest advice for her before she entered the Bigg Boss 14 house. She said, “My mom and I are very big fans of Sidharth Shukla and I should play strong like him. But the only thing she doesn’t want me to take it from him is ki unki tarah main ek pair of shorts mein poora season na naiklu (laughs). I am being very particular about clothes right now but she knows ki ek do din ye acche se taiyar hogi aur phir normal kapdo mein ho jaayegi. So, she keeps reminding me vo tumhara ghar nahi, shooting space hai. So, make sure you keep yourself decked up always. Agar nahi hua toh, I will go and blast you in media interviews (laughs).”
Also Read: Naina Singh Praises Sidharth Shukla calls him ‘Extremely Charming’: I have always felt that He has the Aura of a Winner
(Source: SpotboyE)