In the latest episode of the beloved show “Anupama,” we witness Anupama’s heartfelt farewell as she gets ready to embark on a new chapter in her life. With mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension, she bids farewell to Vanraj and Paritosh. However, her heart longs for Anuj’s presence, adding to the emotional intensity of the moment. While Anupama prepares to leave, a young girl pleads with her own mother not to go, leaving Anupama frozen in disbelief. Restlessness takes over as she envisions her own daughter, adding to the weight of her emotions. Unable to contain her feelings any longer, Anupama decides to make a phone call to Anu.
Malti, a caring companion, reminds Anupama to complete her check-in and other necessary formalities. Sensing Anupama’s inner struggle, Malti advises her to call Anu later, suspecting that Anupama may have contemplated stopping her departure. However, Anupama reassures Malti that she is determined to proceed with her plans and is committed to her decision. Also Read: Anupama inquires about Choti’s well-being, Pakhi struggles to find words to express the truth
Meanwhile, Anu desperately demands that Anuj bring Anupama back. Torn between his love for Anupama and his inability to fulfill Anu’s request, Anuj tries to reason with her. Unfortunately, Anu’s desperation reaches a breaking point, resulting in an unfortunate fall and injury. Worried about her daughter’s distress, Anupama wonders why she feels so restless and expresses concern for both Anu and Anuj.
A doctor examines Anu’s injuries and provides reassurance that they are not severe. Ankush, a concerned friend, advises Anuj to stay calm. Feeling lost and burdened by the situation, Anuj shares his confusion and sorrow, empathizing deeply with Anu’s pain. Unaware of the unfolding events, Anu continues her search for Anupama.
Meanwhile, Anupama successfully completes the necessary formalities at the immigration office. When questioned about her purpose for visiting the USA, Anupama confidently replies that she is going to live her dream. Encouraging her, the immigration officer advises Anupama to persevere despite any obstacles that may arise.
Malti checks in with Anupama to ensure that all the required formalities are in order. Just then, Anuj calls Anupama and confesses his love for her. Surprised by his sudden declaration, Anupama questions if there is more he wishes to say. Overwhelmed by his emotions, Anuj admits that he will deeply miss her. Unbeknownst to Anupama, she overhears Anu pleading with her not to leave. Filled with regret, Anuj experiences a wave of guilt for making the call. Malti encourages Anupama to board the flight. Also Read: Malti Devi SLAPS Anupamaa and threatens to ruin her life after she steps back from going America due to Chhoti Anu
On the other side, Anu’s well-being becomes a cause for concern. Barkha advises her to control her emotions to prevent falling ill. Anu, desperate to see Anupama one last time, continues her frantic search. Meanwhile, Anupama, haunted by her daughter’s presence, grows increasingly restless. Despite Malti’s insistence for Anupama to board the flight, her mind remains consumed by her daughter’s voice.
Anupama finally takes her seat on the plane. In a heart-wrenching moment, Anu calls out to Anupama one last time, and Anupama envisions her daughter desperately trying to prevent her departure. Tears flow from the eyes of Kanta and other family members, while Dimple expresses her emotions through her facial expressions. With a heavy heart, Anupama takes flight, leaving behind a void in the lives of those she has touched.
Ankush learns about Anupama’s departure and informs Anuj of the news. They both realize that Anupama did not hear Anu’s voice during their final interaction. Overwhelmed by the pain of separation, Anuj becomes emotional and recites poetry that reflects the void Anupama has left in his life.