Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput passed away on 14 June 2020. As per police reports, the actor died by suicide, he was found hanging in his apartment in Bandra. Since Sushant‘s tragic demise, his fans and loved ones have been calling for justice for him. Currently, the CBI has been investigating the mysterious death case of Late Actor.
To keep the Justice movement alive among people who are seeking justice for Sushant Singh Rajput, a fan posted a video from of late actor’s funeral. However, Sushant‘s former girlfriend Ankita Lokhande has strongly opposed it. The actress requested the fan to remove the video immediately and stated that such visuals should not be shared on social media.
Ankita tweeted, “What’s wrong with u. Stop posting such videos they are very disturbing for all of us. Its a request to remove this video rite now. We know u love him but this isn’t the way to show ur support or love to him. Remove this video rite now !!.”
Have a Look at the tweet:
Also Read: Ankita Lokhande shares post seeking Justice for Sushant Singh Rajput; It’s already 3 Months, you’ll remain in our thoughts
(Source: Twitter)