The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) is investigating the drug angle in Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput case. The agency has recently interrogated Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor over their alleged link with the Bollywood drug case. The actresses were questioned for hours on Saturday, September 26, by the NCB and reportedly, their phones were seized by the agnecy.
Now as per latest report by Republic TV, Deepika Padukone, Sara Ali Khan and Shraddha Kapoor‘s payments from the last 3 years may also be looked into by the NCB to find how the drugs were allegedly procured by them.
According to the reports in Republic TV, Deepika, Sara and Shraddha‘s payments of the last 3 years will be assessed by the NCB. Further, the news channel reported that NCB may look into the payments made by credit and debit cards by the actresses. As per report, the actresses allegedly made payments to Jaya Saha who further made payments to the drug peddlers. Hence, the payments made by Sara, Deepika, Shraddha may be looked into by the NCB, as reported by Republic TV.
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput Case: NCB Gets 6 Months To File Charge sheet In Bollywood Drug link probe; NO clean chit given to Celebrities: Report
(Source: Republic TV)