Scoop to the latest Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Spoiler, Rajan Shahi’s and Star Plus’s longest running show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is getting ready for sweet Rakhi twist. Muskaan will tie Rakhi to Abhimanyu and Akshara for saving her from goons. Further, Akshara will face difficulties to get justice for dowry victim. Families will support her. Will Akshara be successful in winning this case?
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Cast (Updated: 2023)
In today’s episode, Akshara sees bow tie receipt and got to know that Abhimanyu forgot to buy bow tie too and buy it by coming school. Akshara says she also forgot to buy it. Abhimanyu says she could have told him. Akshara says but he always remembers everything so she didn’t want to show her weakness. Abhimanyu says they can’t be always 50-50.
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So sometimes the one of them have to make extra efforts and help other. Akshara agrees with his point. Abhir won the best student award and dedicated it to Abhinav. He credits Akshara and Abhimanyu for making him move on from his sorrow so he could win.
Akshara and Abhimanyu argue over car driving. Akshara mistakenly addressed Abhimanyu as Abhi. She feels sorry for that. Abhimanyu says it’s ok, it’s his name and she can addressed him like that. Akshara also mentions they are friends. Abhimanyu says they can become best friends with co- parents. Akshara got a call and she got worried. She says a talk with Abhinav’s photo regarding Abhir and misses him. Akshara, Arohi and Kairav plans about Raksha Bandhan.
Abhir and Ruhi fights over Ruhi not coming to award function and going to her friend birthday party. Akshara and Arohi convince them respectively to celebrate Raksha Bandhan. Abhir decides to tie Rakhi to Ruhi too.
Later, Akshara reveals about getting dowry case and her client being tortured by her in laws. Suhasini and Swarna worries for her safety. She ask them to not worry and got firm to get justice for victim. Muskaan breakdowns in front of Abhinav’s photo missing him. Akshara consoles her.
In the upcoming episodes, family will celebrate Raksha Bandhan. Some goons will trouble Muskaan. Akshara and Abhimanyu to save her. Will Muskaan forgive Abhimanyu now? Will she tie Rakhi to Abhimanyu and Akshara? Could Akshara get justice for dowry victim? Keep reading our website for more Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Spoiler.
source: Disney+Hotstar