ITV star and Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla left for his heavenly abode on September 2, 2021. His untimely demise has left his family, fans and friends shattered. Sidharth’s fans ‘SidHearts’ are still dealing with the pain of losing the late actor and keeps remembering him. Today, Sidharth’s fans are trending “HBD ASHOK UNCLE” and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHOK UNCLE on Twitter remembering his late father on his Birth Anniversary.
A fan tweeted, “Ashok uncle, wishing you a very happy birthday in heaven. Sending you extra prayers & love on this special day. Please convey our love to Sid. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHOK UNCLE HBD ASHOK UNCLE #SidharthShukla@sidharth_shukla.”
Have a look at fans tweets:
Ashok uncle, wishing you a very happy birthday in heaven. Sending you extra prayers & love on this special day. Please convey our love to Sid ♥️
— SidNaaz FC (@OfficialSidNaaz) October 14, 2021
HBD ASHOK UNCLE#SidharthShukla @sidharth_shukla
Wherever you both are we pray for your happiness.
— Sidharth Official FC ♥️ (@TeamSidharthFC) October 14, 2021
| #SidharthShukla | #सिद्धार्थशुक्ला |
“Once I got late to go to school and I was unable to run fast due to heavy school bag. Then dad picked my bag n started running… I was left awestruck seeing his hair bouncing like a hero while he was running towards my school bus” ~ #SidharthShukla
— SidharthShukla Dubai FC™❤️ (@DubaiSidhearts) October 14, 2021
— ? Rose ?♀️ ? (@lightroseshine) October 14, 2021
heaven wishes that you can use be to make feel better and bee hope that somewhere out with you son sidhartha he will side of you uncle we'll miss you both happy birthday again ashok uncle @sidharth_shukla
For those who don’t know, Sidharth Shukla lost his father when he was 25-year-old. After winning Bigg Boss 13 trophy, Sidharth even talked about his father’s demise and has said in an statement, “When dad passed away 15 years ago, it felt like the umbrella over us had been taken away. But my mom was our rock–she never showed any signs of vulnerability. Despite our poor finances, she ran the house, looked after 3 kids & fulfilled all our demands! I know now that she must’ve had to sacrifice so much to give us what we wanted.”
ALSO READ: Sidharth Shukla remembers his father, pens an emotional note; Says, ‘I wish I could erase this day’
(Image Source: SidharthShukla)