Popular TV actor and Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla is all set to make his digital debut with Ekta Kapoor‘s most anticipated web series Broken But Beautiful 3. The actor will be seen opposite Sonia Rathee, who’s making her acting debut with this show. The romantic drama will release Tomorrow, May 29, on ALT Balaji. In the series, Sidharth will be seen essaying the role of a theatre director ‘Agastya Rao‘ while Sonia will be seen as ‘Rumi Desai‘. Fans are super excited to see Agastya and Rumi‘s love story.
Now, ahead the release of Broken But Beautiful 3, Sidharth took his Twitter handle to thank his fans for their immense love to the web series. The handsome hunk also requested fans to watch the show and give their feedback to him. He tweeted, “The kind of love & support u guys r showing towards BBB3 is simply incredible & has all my. we all have put in a lot & really hope & pray that you all love what we have2 offer..please do watch the show &give me your feed back. Hope the show brings a smile in these trying times.”
Have a look at the post right here:
The kind of love & support u guys r showing towards BBB3 is simply incredible & has all my ❤️ we all have put in a lot & really hope & pray that you all love what we have2 offer..please do watch the show &give me your feedback.Hope the show brings a smile in these trying times ?
— Sidharth Shukla (@sidharth_shukla) May 28, 2021
BBB 3 produced by Sarita A Tanwar and Niraj Kothari of 11:11 Productions and directed by Priyanka Ghose. Apart from Sidharth Shukla & Sonia Rathee, the web series also stars Ehan Bhatt, Manvir Singh, Jahnavi Dhanrajgir, Bishakha Thapa, Taniya Kalrra, Saloni Khanna Patel among others.
(Image Source: Twitter-SidharthShuklafan, ALTBalaji)