Popular actress Ankita Lokhande and businessman Vicky Jain have been in relationship for three years and the couple has recently celebrated their anniversary on social media. In a recent interview with Bollywood Bubble, Ankita spoke about her definition of love and marriage. Speaking about love, the actress said that it’s like food one needs and according to her it’s her priority.
The Pavitra Rishta actress said, “For me, love is the need. I need love everywhere it’s like my food. I need to have love wherever I go whatever I do or whatever I choose, so love is my priority.”
When asked about her idea of a perfect date, the actress replied, “I am not specific about it but I need to feel love. If I am with my partner it has nothing to do with yahaan jaana hai wahaan jaana hai. I am very okay with me and him simply having tea together. It’s just that we need to share that moment together. That’s it.”
The actress further recalled the time when she cooked gulab jamun for Vicky, Ankita said, “During the lockdown, I tried making gulab jamun for Vicky. But it got burnt and turned all black and Vicky ate it anyway.”
Talking about her marriage plans, the actress said being very excited about it, Ankita said, “Marriage is something which is very beautiful. Yes, I am super excited about my marriage which is going to be soon. I am hoping for that. And I really like that Jaipur-Jodhpur ka Rajasthani weddings. But I am not really sure what will I plan.”
(Image Source: Instagram-AnkitaLokhande)