Popular actor Adhyayan Suman has dismisses the reports of being part of Salman Khan‘s show Bigg Boss 14. Colors’ TV popular reality show is all set to come up with it’s 14th season. The Makers of the show have been approaching celebrities to participate in the controversial reality show.
There are several name of celebrities participating in the reality show have been doing rounds on social media. Among these names, actor Adhyayan Suman‘s name has also doing rounds.
Clarifying the reports, Adhyayan Suman took to his Twitter handle and dismisses the reports of being part of the reality show Bigg Boss. The actor tweeted, “False news of me being a part of big boss ! Thanks but no thanks ! Disrespectful to say the least ! #BigBoss@ColorsTV please clarify this! Regards.”
Take a Look at the tweet:
False news of me being a part of big boss ! Thanks but no thanks ! Disrespectful to say the least ! #BigBoss @ColorsTV please clarify this! Regards
— adhyayan summan (@AdhyayanSsuman) July 15, 2020
Soon after his tweet, a user asked Adhyayan to never participate in this show and lead a respectful life. The user tweeted, “Please dont take part in big boss. I dont want you to fight in big boss for petty issues. Please live a dignified n respectful life. I want to watch you in movies not in Tv Shows. Keep smiling have a better year ahead. Thank You.”
To which, Adhyayan replied, “Even if it was the end of the world I Would never go there don’t worry ! That’s not my career goal.”
Take a Look at the tweets:
Even if it was the end of the world I Would never go there don’t worry ! That’s not my career goal
— adhyayan summan (@AdhyayanSsuman) July 15, 2020