Exclusive Yeh Rishta Kya Hai Spoiler, Rajan Shahi’s and Star Plus’s longest running show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is gearing up for high voltage drama. Abhinav surgery has done successfully and Akshara and Goenkas are enlighted with the fact. Meanwhile, in jail lawyer warned Abhimanyu that if anything happens to Abhinav then he won’t get bail from the case. Manjari prays for Abhinav’s betterment. Abhimanyu predicts that upcoming 24 hours is critical for Abhinav, even if surgery has done successfully.
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Cast (Updated: 2023)
In today’s episode, Abhimanyu calls Abhir from jail. Abhir picks up, but before he could talk with Abhimanyu. Ruhi comes and ask Abhir to not talk with unknown number. It could be dangerous and cuts the call. Abhimanyu tries to make call again but policeman didn’t let him do. Akshara and Abhimanyu remembers their moments with Abhinav. Manjari cries for Abhimanyu. She asks Shefali to talk with Akshara. Shefali assures her. Next day, Akshara prays to God for Abhinav. Muskaan tells her that Abhinav’s surgery has done successfully, he is out of danger now.
Akshara thanks god and shares her happiness with goenkas. She wishes to meet Abhinav. Arohi tells her she can meet after shifting Abhinav from OT. Abhir calls Akshara and tells her about his happy dream. He wishes to go Kasauli soon. Akshara assures him. Shefali comes and tries to convince Akshara to take back Abhimanyu’s case. Akshara and Muskaan firmly refused. Shefali tells Manjari the same. She worries. She meets with Abhimanyu and he worries for Akshara and Abhinav.
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In the upcoming episodes, Abhinav will die in Akshara’s arms after their love confession. Abhimanyu will worry for Akshara and Abhir from jail.
Will Abhinav die from internal bleeding? How will Abhir react on Abhinav’s death? Keep reading our Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Spoiler for more updates.
source: Disney+Hotstar