Actor Vindu Dara Singh, who was recently seen in Bigg Boss 14 as Rakhi Sawant‘s connection, has spoke about Bigg Boss 13‘s most popular jodi Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill Aka SidNaaz. The duo had grabbed lot of attention with their adorable chemistry in the controversial reality show. The craze among fans for SidNaaz is just growing stronger with the time.
Vindu has been a close friend of Sidharth since long time and he strongly supported him during his BB 13‘s journey. Now, in an recent interaction with ETimes, Vindu talked about Sidharth & Shehnaaz gill‘s relationship. He told the portal, “Firstly let me clarify that I haven’t met Shehnaaz Gill after Bigg Boss 14 culminated. It’s all wrong when it is reported that she has come to my place.”
He further revealed, “Well, Sidharth and Shehnaaz definitely have a soft corner for each other. But I really don’t know if they are in love. I am in touch with Sidharth but we never talk about such things. We both know that if we call each other and ask something to be done, the other person will definitely comply. If Siddharth and Shehnaaz are destined to marry, we would love that. There are also some people who don’t want them to be together. Let Sidharth and Shehnaaz decide it for themselves. It’s their life, after all.”
Meanwhile, Sidharth Shukla is currently busy in shoot of his upcoming projects. He recently wrapped up the shoot of his upcoming web series Broken But Beautiful 3. He will be seen opposite actress Sonia Rathee in series. The romantic drama will stream on AltBalaji & Zee5 app digitally soon. On the other hand, Shehnaaz Gill is currently in Canada for the shoot of her upcoming Punjabi film Honsla Rakh alongside Bollywood singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh and Punjabi actress Sonam Bajwa.
ALSO READ: Sidharth Shukla is all praise for Shehnaaz Gill and Badshah’s latest song ‘FLY’; Says, “Loved it”
(Image Source: Instagram-VinduDaraSingh, Twitter-Bigg Boss 13, Colors TV, Voot)