Colors TV show Udaariyaan has been garnering lot of love from the audience. The show has managed to make it to the top 5 shows on the TRP charts this week with a whopping 2.7 points. The show stars Ankit Gupta, Priyanka Chahar Choudhary and Isha Malviya in the lead roles, who playing Fateh, Tejo and Jasmine respectively. As the show is touching new heights of success, producer Ravi Dubey took his Instagram handle and wrote an heartfelt note expressing gratitude.
Ravi shared an adorable picture with his wife/producer Sargun Mehta and wrote, “@sargunmehta If only I could have met you today and celebrated this victory of ours in person …but I can still declare it on behalf of both of us with pride, joy and gratitude …Udaariyaan is unlike any other project for us primarily because it required us invest in it with all that we had not just creatively but also monetarily, we had a lot of good friends and goodwill in the industry courtesy our journey of the last decade and a half, many highly successful producer friends who were graciously willing to help and co produce with us however we decided to go ‘all chips in’ and do this independently…”
The note further reads, “the risk was unprecedented but our faith in the unmanifested is also unprecedented…it started small but dont we all ….it’s heartening and humbling to see the victories coming our way through udaariyaan..and the faith it is generating for us in the industry at large …Udaariyaan is not just a feather in our cap it’s a medal on our chest ….as they say our ancestors out number our challenges ..our ancestors always have our back shukr shukr shukr. thank you thank you our back bone our #dreamteam.”