Bengali actress Arya Banerjee who acted in several Bollywood films, was found dead at her south Kolkata residence on Friday, police said. As per reports in the Times of India, it was Arya‘s maid who informed the police, after the actress failed to respond to any calls of the former when she arrived at her residence.
The report further stated that the police broke into Arya‘s house and found her body on a bed with nose bleeding and vomiting. The police are now investigating the suspicious death of the actress.
Arya Banerjee‘s real name is Devdatta Banerjee and she is the youngest daughter of renowned sitar player Pandit Nikhil Banerjee. The actress’ debuted film was ‘Love S*x Aur Dhoka‘ and after that she was starred in Milan Luthria‘s ‘The Dirty Picture‘ which stars Vidya Balan in lead. She reportedly also did a few modeling assignments in Mumbai.
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(Source: TOI)
(Image Source: Instagram-Viral Bhayani)