Actor Sushant Singh Rajput untimely demise has left the entire nation shocked. The actor breathed his last on June 14 2020. It’s been one month, we have lost a young talented actor Sushant Singh Rajput, his fans are still fighting for his justice. Sushant‘s demise has created a lot of rage among people towards Bollywood industry, nepostism and Bollwyood’s big biggies hypocrisy.
There are several speculations doing rounds on social media regarding Sushant‘s tragic death. People are suspecting foul play, and have been demanding CBI inquiry in the case. They even insisting that this is murder that is being concealed. Sushant‘s fans have been constantly asking for justice by demanding CBI probe into the matter.
Not only fans, many actor’s and politicians also demanding CBI inquiry in late actor’s suicide case. It includes, Shekhar Suman, Roopa Ganguly, Payal Rohatgi among others.
As per reports, Sushant died due to suicide in his Mumbai residence. The postmortem reports of the actor revealed that he died due to asphyxia because of hanging. However, Police is investigating the case closely. Till now, Police has questioned over 35 people. And if need be, a few more persons will be called for questioning in the next 15-20 days.
As per reports in DNA, Mumbai Police is inching towards finalising the probe report in Sushant Singh Rajput‘s death investigation and will submit the reports soon. Till now, nothing sensational has been found in the case.
While police is investigating the case, BJP MP, Dr Subramanian Swamy has wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, requesting him to launch a CBI inquiry for Sushant Singh Rajput case. Subramanian Swamy‘s appointed advocate Ishkaran Singh Bhandari has shared the pictures of the letter written to PM Modi. He tweeted, “Dr @Swamy39 letter to @narendramodi for CBI investigation for full & Transparent Justice to Sushant Singh Rajput. He will the explain it at 4 pm in easy language for non lawyers.”
Take a look at the pictures right here:
Dr @Swamy39 letter to @narendramodi for CBI investigation for full & Transparent Justice to Sushant Singh Rajput.
— Ishkaran Singh Bhandari (@ishkarnBHANDARI) July 15, 2020
He will the explain it at 4 pm in easy language for non lawyers-