Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla latest music video is finally out on YouTube. The actor is seen alongside Shehnaaz Gill and Tony Kakkar in the song. Earlier, Sidharth‘s was seen in music video Bhula Dunga with Shehnaaz Gill, which was a heart breaking soulful song. Next, he was seen opposite to Neha Sharma in music video ‘Dil Ko Karaar Aaya‘ which was an romantic track.
The actor keeps experimenting and always comes up with something different. And now Sidharth is back again and this time around it’s a fun peppy track that has been shot in Punjab. Sidharth is seen in a very different avatar in the music video.
Speaking about his latest track ‘Shona Shona‘, Sidharth said, “I have been blessed to have had a lot of projects coming my way but yes I have been selective. When Shona Shona came to me, I loved the song…its fun, its peppy and its different from what I have already done before. Its been shot in Punjab and the entire experience of being part of this one was truly wonderful.”
Music videos have been on a rise this year to which Sidharth says, “In a challenging year with the pandemic, music videos had a huge advantage during this period as people were consuming more content digitally and music truly has no language, it changes one’s mood. I am glad I have had the opportunity to shuffle between so many different genres in the same year!”
ALSO READ: Shona Shona: Sidharth Shukla & Shehnaaz Gill’s super CUTE chemistry in Music video will surely melt your Hearts
(Source: Bollywood Hungama)