Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla shares his new look for his upcoming music video titled Dil Ko Karaar Aaya with Neha Sharma. The handsome hunk is currently shooting for the romantic track with Neha Sharma at Della Resorts in Khandala. The music video is being directed by Sneha Kohli who has also directed Badshah‘s song Genda Phool.
Recently, Neha Sharma had shared the glimpse of her look from the music video. Now, Sidharth has finally shared his look from his upcoming music video. The actor looks dashing wearing black shirt and and black pants. Sharing the picture, Sidharth captioned it, “Coming…..”
Take a Look at his post:
The music video is being made under prestigious banner Desi Music Factory. The news was confirmed by Anshul Garg, who is the owner of Desi Music Factory. Have a look at his tweet:
Yes we’re doing a song with @sidharth_shukla & @Officialneha . Will update soon! ♥️? #SidharthShukIa #NehaSharma #MusicVideo
— Anshul Garg (@AnshulGarg80) July 13, 2020