Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has launched a grooming and personal Care Brand called FRSH. Salman Khan has announced the launch of his new personal care brand FRSH on his social media handle on May 24, 2020.
Taking to his Social media handle, Salman Khan posted a video message. In which he said that he had recently launched a brand named FRSH.
The actor also revealed that they had initially planned to launch deodorants under the brand. But as per the need of the hour, he bring sanitisers.
Currently, Sanitisers are in great demand due to coronavirus pandemic. As the virus is communicable and sanitizing is a key to safeguard against this deadly coronavirus that has infected the entire world and taken away millions of human lives.
Salman also revealed that after sanitizers, other products like deodorants, perfumes, body wipes will also be launched under the same brand. He said currently, the FRSH sanitizers are available at its official website, but later it will be available at stores.
Sharing the video, Salman wrote, “Launching my new grooming and personal care brand FRSH !! @frshgrooming Yeh kya hai? Kiska hai? Kiske liye hai? Aur yeh kab aur kahaan milega? Yeh aapka aur mera, yani ke hamara brand hai! Bohot kuch layega aap tak. Filhal Sanitizers laraha hai. Aap ke liye hai, taaki aap safe aur saaf raho, yeh milega apko pehle FRSH ki website aur phir har jagah.”