Star Plus’ popular show Anupamaa recently completed two successful years. The show was launched on July 13, 2020 and have been getting immense love from audience since it started. It is number one show on television and topping the BARC TRPs charts with high ratings since beginning. The show stars Rupali Ganguly as Anupamaa, Gaurav Khanna as Anuj and Sudhanshu Pandey as Vanraj in pivotal roles.
In an interaction with India Forums, Rupali Ganguly shared how elated she is as the show ‘Anupamaa’ has completed 2 years. The actress revealed, “Anupamaa is the most memorable journey in itself. I remember every scene, every shot that I have shot on the set. It’s all a very crystal clear memory for me, before and after what was happening, everything that I have shot in Anupamaa so far.”
She further added, “It is very very very special to me. What Anupamaa is to me, is something I can’t put into words. Forget 1 or 2 years, I hope the show goes on for years and years, even if I am not there, I’ll pray that Anupamaa goes on for year.”
ALSO READ: Anupamaa actor Adhik Mehta on sharing screen space with Rupali Ganguly; “I was waiting for this for a long time & finally I am shooting with her”
The current track of the show revolves around Vanraj reaching Kapadia house and asks Pakhi to come with him but she denies it. Anupamaa also take Vanraj’s side and asks Pakhi to return to the Shah house. Agitated Pakhi leaves the Kapadia house but threatens Anupama that she will return soon and then she won’t be able to make her leave Kapadia house. Is Pakhi planning to marry Adhik by going against Anupama and Vanraj?
Anupamaa, produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions. The show is based on Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Sreemoyee. There’s also a Marathi version of the show which runs on Star Pravah titled Aai Kuthe Kai Karte. The show stars Gaurav Khanna, Sudhanshu Pandey, Aneri Vajani, Madalsa Sharma, Alpana Buch, Arvind Vaidya, Paras Kalnawat, Aashish Mehrotra. Muskan Bamne, Shekhar Shukla, Nidhi Shah, Anagha Bhosale and Tassnim Sheikh.
(Image Source: RupaliGanguly)