The NCB has recently arrested Rhea Chakraborty, her brother Showik Chakraborty, SSR‘s staff Dipesh Sawant, Samuel Miranda and others in drug case in connection with Sushant Singh Rajput case. Soon after her arrest, Rhea Chakraborty had applied for bail, but her bail plea rejected by sessions court.
After which, Rhea Chakraborty‘s lawyer Satish Maneshinde said,”Once we get the order copy. We will decide next week on the course of action on approaching the High Court: Rhea Chakraborty‘s lawyer Satish Maneshinde,” as reported by ANI.
However, as per latest reports in ETimes, Rhea‘s lawyer Satish Maneshinde has said in a statement that they are not in a hurry to file for bail application in Bombay High Court. Rhea and others have been sent to judicial custody till 22 September and the actress is lodged at Byculla women’s jail in the city.
Meanwhile, the NCB is investigating the Bollywood drug nexus and seems to have arrested six more drug dealers in the city. Among the six arrested, it is being reported that a certain Dwayne Fernandes had direct links to Showik and Sushant‘s staffer Dipesh Sawant.
Also Read: Court Rejects the Bail Plea of Rhea Chakraborty, Showik Chakraborty and others involved in the Drug case
(Source: ETimes)