Just few day left to superstar Salman Khan hosted show Bigg Boss 14‘s grand finale. The contestants are leaving no stone unturned to win the trophy. The top five contestant who’re competing for the Bigg Boss 14 trophy are Nikki Tamboli, Rahul Vaidya, Aly Goni, Rubina Dilaik & Rakhi Sawant.
Speaking of top 3 contestant of this season, Rubina Dilaik, Aly Goni and Rahul Vaidya emerging out as strongest for finalist. Rubina Dilaik has been a popular face of Indian TV industry. The actress enjoys massive fan following on social media. From her fights with co-contestants to her turbulent relationship with husband Abhinav Shukla, the actress is always in news.
Rahul Vaidya emerged out as one of the strongest contestant of this season. The singer grabbed lot of headlines for his fight with Rubina Dilaik and his friendship with Aly Goni was also in news. Rahul also grabbed lot of attention for his marriage proposal to his ladylove Disha Parmar on national television. He gained huge fan following with his stint in the reality show.
Aly Goni has also been a popular face of Indian TV industry. He entered the house as wild card contestant and won hearts of several fans with his amazing personality. The actor has made lot of headlines for his relationship with co-contestant Jasmin Bhasin and his friendship with Rahul Vaidya has also been in news.
Rahul Vaidya, Aly Goni and Rubina Dilaik are top three contestant of this season. According to you guys, who will win the trophy of Bigg Boss 14 this year? Tell us in the poll section below.
(Note: Multiple votes allowed)
(Image Source: Twitter-Bigg Boss 14, Colors TV, Voot)
Aly goni ? ? winner ? bb14
Aly will lift the trophy ? @alygoni
Rahul vaidya will be the winner. He didn’t show any bad planning and plotting for anyone. And fight for himself and his friends fair way. And mostly he fought his game alone. Rubina binaabhinav k yaha kv nahi pahich skti thi. Abhinav was always there to support her.