Star Plus show Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali produced by SOL Productions and Sandiip Films, is engaging the viewers with its interesting storyline. And, the makers has been successful in keeping the viewers hooked since the beginning of the show. The viewers who have now become die-hard fans of the show are in love with the on screen jodi Raghav Rao and Pallavi Deshmukh, played by Sai Ketan Rao and Shivangi
The show’s current track revolves around Pallavi being certain that Sunny isn’t the right person for Keerti. And, Raghav is happy for their wedding for Keerti‘s happiness. Amid all this, Ved Aka Lion, is back from the prison and has arrived at Hyderabad to vengeance on Raghav Rao and Pallavi. He has found out about Pallavi being hitched with Raghav Rao. And, will likewise before long think about Pallavi being Mandar’s ex. Ved will utilize Mandar and Raghav’s association to ruin Pallavi-Raghav’s joy.
In the upcoming episodes, Pallavi plays savvy and delays Keerti-Sunny’s engagement. She tells about the same to Sunny, and he seethes in rage. Raghav and his family shall return to the RR manor as Raghav needs Pallavi’s first Vat Savitri Pooja to occur in their own home.
Raghav left awestruck on seeing Pallavi dressed for the Pooja. But, his joy fleets as soon as he receives a call from Lion. Ans, the Lion advises him that he has planted a bomb where Pallavi is set to play out the Pooja. It leaves Raghav confounded as he freezes, pondering Pallavi’s wellbeing.
Will Raghav save Pallavi? Has Lion indeed planted a bomb? Or then again, would he say he is simply messing with Raghav? The truth will surface eventually! Till then, do let us know what do you think about the show and how it should proceed ahead, all in the comment section given below.
ALSO READ: POLL! Shaurya-Anokhi OR Raghav-Pallavi: Which is your Favorite On-screen pair? VOTE HERE
(Image Source: MHRW, StarPlus, Hotstar)