Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh has mentioned earlier that Sushant Singh Rajput case will not be transferred to CBI and now again he stated the same and it will be investigated by the Mumbai Police. Anil Deshmukh‘s statement has come after Sushant‘s father KK Singh has filed an FIR in Patna against the actor’s girlfriend, Rhea Chakraborty
Sushant‘s father accuses Rhea Chakraborty of extorting money from the late actor and abetting him to commit suicide. Meanwhile, Sushant‘s fans and many celebs and politicians have been constantly demanding CBI probe in actor’s death case.
However, Maharashtra HM Anil Deshmukh has once again announced that Sushant Singh Rajput‘s death will be investigated by the Mumbai Police and the case will not be transferred to the Central Bureau of Investigation, despite of so much public pressure.
Take a Look at the video:
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput Case: Rhea Chakraborty Missing from her Mumbai Residence after Bihar Police went looking for her
(Source: Twitter)