Bigg Boss 13 fame Vishal Aditya Singh, who will soon be seen as a contestant in Khatron Ke Khiladi 11, has recently posted some lovey-dovey pictures with co-contestants Nikki Tamboli and Sana Makbul. These love-filled posts has left all fans and followers confused and curious. The trio was in Cape Town shooting for the stunt based reality show where they clicked these behind the scene pictures that took over the Internet.
In the pictures, Nikki and Vishal can be seen twinning in white as they both are lost in each other’s eyes. Vishal captioned that posts as, ‘a Monday girl with a Sunday boy’. Fans and followers soon started drooling over their sizzling chemistry in the photos. Another day, Vishal Aditya Singh posed for some romantic pictures with Sana Makbul. In the picture, Vishal looking down lovingly at Sana Makbul, while the latter is beaming with happiness.
Now, in an interaction with, Vishal revealed the reason behind these beautiful pictures. He said, “When I had posted those pictures with Nikki Tamboli people started linking us together that something is cooking up between us. So I thought let’s tease people more and I immediately posted another picture with Sana Maqbul Khan. But after that, I started getting so many teasing comments all over that I myself got stressed. Phir meri himmat hi nahi hui kisi aur ke saath teesri photo daalne ki (laughs).”
He further added, “There is nothing brewing between us. We three are single. And we clicked those pictures just like that. Don’t know why people started thinking something brewing between us. I, Nikki, and Sana all are very comfortable with each other. And when there is nothing going so, I don’t even think we should put the brain into all that.”
The stunt-based reality show will go on-air on 17 July, 2021. Are you guys excited for Khatron Ke Khiladi 11? Tell us in the comment section below.
(Image Source: VishalAdityaSingh)