Colors TV’s popular stunt based reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi is all set to return with it’s brand new season 11. Filmmaker Rohit Shetty will be return as the host for this new season. Ever since the news of KKK 11 coming in, several actors’ names have been popping up who can participate in the 11th season. The latest celebrity who will be seen as contestants for the upcoming season of Khatron Ke Khiladi is Anushka Sen.
In an recent interaction with ETimes, the actress has confirmed about her participation in the stunt based reality show. Anushka is quite excited to be a part of the action-based show. In fact, Khatron Ke Khiladi is one her favourite shows and she is a huge fan of Rohit Shetty.
The actress said, “Some time ago when I was shooting in Himachal Pradesh for a project, I got a call. It was unexpected and I didn’t know how to react to it. When I processed it and spoke with the person in charge, I realised that it was true and I was going to be a part of the show.”
Anushka has already started preparing herself for the show. She says, “Since it’s not safe to step outside, I have started exercising at home. I am doing some core exercises and also building up my stamina. I have changed my diet and I am sticking to healthy food. It’s all about mentally preparing yourself and that’s what I am doing. I’m going with the flow for now and gearing up for the challenges that I would face there,” she says.
This is Anushka‘s first reality show and she is glad to be doing something different. The actress says, “This is the only TV show that I love watching. For an actor getting a show like this is a good opportunity. People will get to see a different side of me. Above all, I am going there for the experience.”
She is the youngest participant of the show, hence she will be travelling with her father. She says, “My dad will not be there on the sets but he will be only in the hotel.”
(Image Source: Instagram-AnushkaSen)