Akshita Mudgal and Param Singh starrer Ishk Par Zor Nahi, produced by Gul Khan’s production company Four Lions Private Limited and Deepti Kalwani, is going off-air. The show also stars actors like Shagun Sharma, Rajat Verma, Lakshya Handa among others. Fans are already sad and disappointed as the show going off-air. This is also a sad news for the cast and team members of the show as well.
Now, in an interaction with India Forums, Akshita Mudgal spoke about the last day of shoot. She told the portal, “When we were shooting for the last shot, Param and I, the entire day, I did not want that day to end so soon, hoping that the pack-up does not happen and the day goes slow, but then that did not happen. We didn’t realise how did the day go and when we started shooting the last scene, I started crying and I was trying to control myself.”
She added, “As soon as we wrapped up, I started crying, it is very difficult, I was feeling very bad and all of us were sad, there was a sort of anxiety that we were feeling. However, we knew this was going to happen and the feeling cannot be explained, but then I decided not to cry, and have fun, and then we cried again, and go back to having fun, but that’s how we spent our day.”
When she was asked, what it’s feel like to wake up and not go to the sets anymore, the actress said, “This is a weird feeling, my routine will be changed, not go on set, I’ll miss being Ishqi and miss seeing everyone on the sets. The entire routine has changed and I don’t know how is this day going to go, because I have nothing to do, so we’ll see how it goes. The 2-3 days will be so tough and that’s why I just want to get back to work as soon as possible so that I don’t miss the show so much. IPZN has been the greatest and most beautiful journey, one that is really close to my heart.”
(Source: India Forums)
(Image Source: AkshitaMudgal)