Popular TV actress Hina Khan has finally met her boyfriend Rocky Jaiswal after a long time amid lockdown. The actress is overjoyed and expressed her happiness by sharing a adorable picture with Rocky on her social media handle. Hina Khan recently celebrated Eid-Ul-Fitr with her family members at her home, she also gave the glimpses of her celebration on her on social media handle too.
Hina is much active on social media especially when lockdown imposed. Not a single day goes, when the actress does not update her fans about what she is doing. She is continuously sharing pictures, workout videos, cooking videos with her fans. But due to lockdown, she hadn’t been able to meet her beau Rocky Jaiswal.
Now finally she met him after a long time, the actress is overjoyed and expressed her happiness by sharing a picture with him. Hina Khan took to her social media handle and shared an adorable picture with beau Rocky Jaiswal on her Instagram story.
Sharing the picture, Hina captioned it, ‘After ages @rockyj1‘ with a heart emoji. The two were looking cute together in the selfie while smiling.