The 10 day celebrations for Ganesh Chaturthi has begin today. On the special occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, Bollywood celebs have taken to their respective social media accounts and wishes their friends and fans today. GaneshChaturthi is one of the most looked forward festivals of our country. It celebrates the birth of Lord Ganesha.
However, This year the celebration will be little different like due to COVID-19 pandemic. This year the celebration will not be as grand unlike every year with large social gatherings.
Now, On this special occasion many Bollywood celebrities has wished their fans and friends Happy GaneshChaturthi. Actors like Ajay Devgn, Amitabh Bachchan, Kajol, Madhuri Dixit, Vivek Oberoi, Kunal Khemmu and many other took their social media handle wishing Ganesh Chaturthi.