Bollywood actress Esha Deol all set to maker her TV debut with mythological show Jag Janani Maa Vaishno Devi. Popular mythological show Jag Janani Maa Vaishno Devi currently making lots of headlines due to change in the cast of the show.
As per recent reports, actress Esha Deol has been approached for the role of Samridhi Devi, which was earlier played by actress Toral Rasputra in the show.
Toral has quit the show, sharing the reason behind her exit from the mythological show, the actress told TOI. “Leaps, sudden changes in the story-line and actors quitting are all part of the game because everything depends on ratings. I was aware that Maa Vaishnodevi, too, will go in for a leap, but I did not expect it to happen so suddenly. I have never played mother to an adult. Since the decision to introduce the leap was sudden, I had to shoot a few scenes with Puja, but I was sure that I wanted to quit. I felt that I’d not be able to look convincing as her mother. It was an amicable decision and the makers understood my point.”
Apart from Esha Deol, actress Paridhi Sharma had also been approached to play same character.