Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has ordered a ban on the movie Shooter. As the film is based on the life and crimes of notorious gangster Sukha Kahlwan. After Punjab, the Haryana government has also imposed a ban. On the screening of controversial Punjabi movie Shooter in his state.
The film promotes violence, heinous crimes, extortion, threats and criminal intimidation. The Chief Minister has also directed DGP Dinkar Gupta to look into the possible action. That could be initiated against one of the film’s producers KV Dhillon. Who had reportedly promised in writing, back in 2019, that he would shelve the movie, originally titled Sukha Khalwan. The DGP has been asked to look into the role of the promoters, directors and actors of the movie.
According to an official spokesperson, Captain Amarinder Singh has made it clear that. “His government will not allow any movies and songs that promote crime, violence and gangsterism in the state. Which had flourished during the Akali regime, under the patronage of SAD leaders.”
The DGP disclosed that the matter of banning the controversial film in Punjab had discussed at a meeting with the CM. Along with a proposal from ADGP Intelligence Varinder Kumar, recommending a ban on the movie. The trailer of Sukha Khalwan film Shooter released on January 18.
In view of the expected repercussions of the movie on the youth and apprehensions of disturbance of public order. It would be appropriate if the release and screening of the movie be banned in the state of Punjab. The ADGP had further stated, in a letter to Addl Chief Secretary to Government of Punjab. Department of Home Affairs & Justice.