Salman Khan hosted Bigg Boss 17 has been making lot of buzz with immense fight and drama inside controversial house. The show is doing well on the BARC TRPs chart and garnering good ratings. The contestants who are currently competing to win the show – Mannara Chopra, Munawar Faruqui, Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma, Anurag Dobhal, Sana Khan, Jigna Vora, Vicky Jain, Ankita Lokhande, Firoza Khan, Sunny Arya, Rinku Dhawan, Arun Mashettey, Isha Malviya, Abhishek Kumar, Samarth Jurel. And now, there are reports doing round about the upcoming wild card entry.
As per reports in media, Bollywood’s famous face and an internet sensation Orry aka Orhan Awatramani all set to enter the Salman Khan’s house as wild card. There are some reports that says Orry is entering the house for a week as a guest. However, there is no confirmation about the same.
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 17: Ankita Lokhande lashes out at hubby Vicky Jain for using her, says, “Bhool jaa ke hum shaadi shuda hai”
Orry has been making lot of buzz due to his connections with Bollywood celebrities. People are curious about his identity, relations with Bollywood celebs, and, most importantly, his profession.
Apart from this there are speculations about other celebrities like Rakhi Sawant, her ex-husband Adil, Poonam Pandey and Bhavin Bhanushali entering as wild card contestants. However, there is no official confirmation yet.
Source: India Forums