Bigg Boss 17 Winner: On 28 January, 2024, the grand finale of India’s most popular reality show Bigg Boss Season 17 premiered. The contestants who made it to the top 5 of Salman Khan‘s controversial house are Munawar Faruqui, Ankita Lokhande, Mannara Chopra, Abhishek Kumar and Arun Mashettey.
The first finalist from Top 5 who got eliminated from Salman Khan‘s show was Arun Mashettey. Secondly, Ankita Lokhande got evicted at 4th position. On third spot, Mannara Chopra got evicted by coming so close to the trophy. Abhishek Kumar–Munawar Faruqui made it to the Top 2. At last, host Salman Khan declared stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui as the winner of season 17 of Bigg Boss.
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 17 Winner: Mannara Chopra The winner beats Ankita Lokhande and Munawar Farqui ?
Munawar Faruqui lifted BB 17 trophy, and Abhishek Kumar became the first runner-up. Along with trophy, Munawar also received Rs 50 lakh prize money and a new Creta from Hyundai.
The other contestants of this season, including Aishwarya Sharma, Vicky Jain, Neil Bhatt, Isha Malviya, Sana Khan, Samarth, Rinku Dhawan, Sunny Arya, Soniya Bansal among others, also appeared on the grand finale. The families of the finalists were also present at the grand finale.
(Image Source: ColorsTV, JioCinema)