Superstar Salman Khan show Bigg Boss 16 is creating lot of buzz with high-on drama and entertainment. The makers are leaving no stone unturned to introduce new challenges & twists and turns in the game for contestants. This season is doing extremely well on TRPs charts and getting good ratings. The contestants who are currently fighting for the Bigg Boss 16 trophy are Tina Datta, Shalin Bhanot, Soundarya Sharma, Priyanka Chahar Choudhary, Sumbul Touqeer Khan, Abdu Rozik, Ankit Gupta, Nimrit Alhuwalia, Shiv Thakare, MC Stan, Archana Gautam, Sajid Khan. According to you guys, Which contestants deserves to be in the Top 5 on Bigg Boss 16? Tell us in the poll section below.
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 16 POLL: Shiv Thakare, Priyanka, Sumbul, Ankit Gupta & Archana-Who is the most strongest contestant of this season? Vote Here
(Image Source: ColorsTV, Voot)
Shiv Thakare
Shiv thakrey
Priyanka best and strong
Sumbul Touqeer Khan
She is the very pure heart … Kabhi kisi ke character par nahi gayi abhi tak
My vote for Priyanka CHAHAR Choudhary
Priyanka is the best……
Fair play girl…
NO mandli nothing, one Brave girl,
If she loses but she wins the people’s heart..
hope BB will be fair in this partiality,
Nimrit Shame on you.
You are losing your dignity.
You are nothing with mandli support…
This week we saw the fear on her face for the 5th option choice even Sajid is trying to go but she giving gestures and forcing them…(only for Priyanka)… she tries her best for Priyanka should not be a captain…
Play with your own skills.
shame shame…….
⭐MC stan✨