Salman Khan hosted Bigg Boss 16 has been making lot of headlines with lot of drama and twists. Among all, Priyanka Chahar Choudhary and Shiv Thakare is coming out as two of strongest contestant of this season. Former Bigg Boss fame Manu Punjabi, who is a regular viewer of the show, shares why Priyanka Chaudhary and Shiv Thakare are his favorites in the Bigg Boss 16 house and also spoke about Priyanka
In an interaction with ETimes TV, Manu said he likes the way Priyanka has been playing the game, but he feels she is making one mistake. Talking about Priyanka-Ankit’s equation in the house, Manu says, “The two are clearly in a relationship, but it’s their choice to keep it between them and not openly talk about it. They could have their reasons for it. But as an audience, I can see that the two are into each other. They are on a reality show, so we have the right to judge them and their relationship. From where I see, I feel that Priyanka is wrong at times when she gets overprotective of Ankit. He seems quite calm and patiently handles situations.”
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Further, Manu reveals his two favourite contestants in the Bigg Boss 16 house house that is Priyanka Choudhary and Shiv Thakare. He says, “Both are quite unique in their own way. Somewhere they are the ones who are most seen. Priyanka is a one-man army and she knows what she wants to do in the game. Shiv is also a smart player and has understood the show very well. He knows how to deal with all kinds of situations in the house. I think these qualities will help them be at the top of their game.”
The contestants who’re competing for the Bigg Boss 16 trophy – Tina Datta, Shalin Bhanot, Soundarya Sharma, Priyanka Choudhary, Sumbul Touqeer, Abdu Rozik, Ankit Gupta, Nimrit Alhuwalia, Shiv Thakare, MC Stan, Archana Gautam, Sajid Khan. Manya Singh, Sreejita De, Gori Nagori and Gautam Vig eliminated from the show. Bigg Boss 16 airs Monday to Friday 10 PM and Saturday-Sunday 9.30 PM.
(Image Source: ColorsTV, ManuPunjabi)