In the beginning of Bigg Boss 14, we saw Ex-contestant Sidharth Shukla, Gauahar Khan and Hina Khan‘s entry in the house as ‘Toofani seniors’. The seniors trio grabbed lot of headlines with their two weeks stay inside the house. While some people liked ‘seniors’ entry, several pointed out their presence in the 14 house as it was stealing the limelight from the new contestants.
Now, new wild card entrant of BB
Speaking about ‘Toofani seniors’ Sidharth Shukla, Gauahar Khan and Hina Khan‘s stint in the initial weeks of Bigg Boss 14, Sonali Phogat said, “They (Sidharth, Hina, and Gauhar – the seniors) did not do anything interesting for fruitful. Only the new contestants should have been brought in and allowed to play the game. However, the new ones’ Rakhi Sawant, Rahul Mahajan, and the other challengers have spiced up the game. They are gelling up with others well and playing really well.”
Talking about her favourite contestants from Bigg Boss 14, Sonali said, “Rubina [Dilaik] is playing very well. She’s playing it smartly. The second is Rahul Vaidya, who I think is playing well on the show. I like listening to music so I have someone inside the house who can sing songs for me if I get upset about something.”
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 14: Vikas Gupta becomes New Captain of the house?
(Image Source: Twitter-Bigg Boss 14, Colors TV, Instagram-Hina Khan)