Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla shares a selfie on his fans demand. Sidharth Shukla won many hearts during his stint in Bigg Boss 13. As we all know Sidharth Shukla is not much active on social media. He had been using Twitter for a few years but not very much active. Sidharth created his Instagram account just before he entered the Bigg Boss 13 house.
Sidharth Shukla has also spoken about how he is not at all social media savvy and take time to learn these things. However, his fans want some update on a daily basis.
So, Some of Sidharth‘s fans started trending #SidKiSelfie on twitter. And, the actor absolutely hates doing this, taking selfie and all and it is known to his fans. But, Sidharth can’t do anything as he loves his fans and now obliged them with a picture of him, after fans demands.
Posting the picture, Sidharth wrote, “You guys know exactly how much I hate doing this …. couldn’t help had to give in …. but please don’t make this a habit love you guys.. Your wish.. my command.. #SidKiSelfie.”