Star Plus popular show Anupamaa is grabbing lot of attention with its interesting twists and huge drama. The show is doing well on the TRPs charts and it stars Rupali Ganguly, Sudhanshu Pandey and Gaurav Khanna in pivotal roles. The current track of the show revolves around Anupama-Anuj’s wedding preparations while Baa and Vanraj try their level best to stop the wedding.
The latest episode saw Anuj-Anupama planning to have a simple wedding and Baa, Kinjal, Samar, Devika, Malvika and others decides to spent money on #MaAn’s wedding preps. Anu gets emotional seeing so much love from family.
When Anuj and Anu returns to home, Toshu’s friends sees Anuj and Anupama together. They makes fun of Toshu by calling Anuj his second father. Toshu loses his calm on them and starts fighting with his friends. Anu and Anuj comes between fight an tries to stop Toshu. In anger, Toshu insults Anupama and pushes her away and when Anuj tries to stop fight he pushes him away. Anuj gets furious and looses his calm on Toshu.
ALSO READ: Anupamaa gives befitting replies to Vanraj & Baa after they criticizes her for marrying Anuj; Fans hails Rupali Ganguly for her Power-packed performance
Later, Toshu accuses Anupama of ruining his life and making him embarrassed in front of his friends. In the upcoming episode, Malvika will enter the Shah house and fires Vanraj, Toshu and Kavya from job. Malvika’s strict decision leaves Vanraj shocked. Malvika lashes out at Baa for cursing his brother Anuj and Anupama. She tells Baa that her curse is back on her only as her son is jobless now. Anupama to get blamed for the same.
The show produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Productions. The show is based on Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Sreemoyee. There’s also a Marathi version of the show which runs on Star Pravah titled Aai Kuthe Kai Karte. It stars actors like Aneri Vajani, Madalsa Sharma, Alpana Buch, Arvind Vaidya, Paras Kalnawat, Aashish Mehrotra. Muskan Bamne, Shekhar Shukla, Nidhi Shah, Anagha Bhosale and Tassnim Sheikh.
(Image Source: StarPlus, Hotstar)