Currently, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is probing the mysterious death case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. As per reports, Sushant allegedly ended his life by hanging himself at his Bandra residence on June 14. Reportedly, the actor was suffering from depression for the past few months that compelled him to take this drastic step.
Now, as per latest development in SSR‘s death probe, the CBI and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) had been analysing the autopsy report of the late actor. According to Republic report, AIIMS might release a statement on the forensic reports of Sushant Singh Rajput to the CBI, who has been currently handling the case.
Earlier, it was reported that AIIMS findings are in line with the CBI probe, well, the report in Republic claimed that the team of doctors will be releasing an official statement soon which could be about the findings of their analysis.
Republic further claims that the post-mortem report and photographic evidence in the report are submitted to the CBI. As AIIMS post-mortem analysis report suggested that there were no traces of organic poison found in SSR‘s body, the panel has not ruled out the possibility of homicide. The AIIMS report also suggested that the ligature marks around the late actor’s neck are not typical from suicide.
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput Death Case: CBI will investigate the alleged party of June 13 in Late Actor’s case post allegation that Rhea Chakraborty met him that Night
(Source: Republic, SpotboyE)