It’s been a month to our beloved actor Sidharth Shukla‘s sudden passing. The Bigg Boss 13 winner left for his heavenly abode on September 2, 2021. Yesterday, on his one month Death Anniversary, several fans of Sidharth Shukla took to social media and remembered the late actor. Fans penned emotional note for the actor as they misses him. TV actress Monalisa, who had worked in a music video with Sidharth Shukla many years ago when she first came to Mumbai, remembered the late actor and says she is still unable to accept the truth that he’s no more.
In an interaction with The Times Of India, the actress said, “When my husband and I got to know about Sidharth passing away, we both couldn’t digest the fact that he is no more. I realised that the life is so uncertain. I still have no words to share about this because even though it’s been a month now, I am still unable to come to terms with the fact that he is no more. And that is the reason why I never spoke about this until now. I can’t stop my tears while talking about him even right now. I can imagine how difficult it is for his family.”
Monalisa recalls the time when she met Sidharth Shukla earlier this year, the actress said, “We met during an event. I think I was destined to meet him one last time.” Incidentally in June this year, Monalisa and Sidharth’s old music video went viral. In the video, she is seen dressed in a red choli while a much younger looking Sidharth donned a Rajasthani dhoti with a jacket. The two danced to Resham Ka Rumaal, a song rendered by veteran singer-actress Ila Arun.”
Sidharth Shukla‘s last rites was done at the Oshiwara crematorium on September 3. The actor is survived by his mother and two sisters. His last public appearance was on Karan Johar hosted show Bigg Boss OTT & Colors’ dance reality show Dance Deewane 3 with close friend Shehnaaz Gill. Sid’s last project was the web series – Broken But Beautiful 3.
(Image Source: Monalisa)