Bollywood actor Vidyut Jammwal, who’s very close friend of ITV star and Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla, pays a Heartfelt tribute to the late actor. Sidharth passed away at the age of 40 on September 2, 2021, due to a heart attack. His untimely demise has left everyone saddened. Vidyut who shared a good friendship bond with the late actor, shared sweet memories of Sid and revealed what kind of person he was.
The actor hosted an Instagram live this noon, and heaped praises on his friend Sidharth Shukla. He talked about his first meeting with Sidharth from where they become good friends. He revealed how Sidharth was the most well-dressed guy in the gym he started going to in the year 2004. He said there was nobody who wasn’t scared of him (courtesy his physique) and there was nobody who did not love him (courtesy his inherent warmth). Vidyut said Sidharth was warm towards everybody he met. He said that Sidharth was hardcore action fan.
The Commando actor tells the reason why Sidharth was such a ‘mard’ – he was raised by three wonderful women-his mother, and two elder sisters. He said, “And men who are raised by women go on to become real men.” He added Sidharth’s mother would feed him with home-made food when they were younger – a luxury for people coming from other cities of India. Talking about Sidharth‘s love for his mother, Vidyut said, “I used to think I was the best son ever, until I met Sidharth.”
Vidyut also spoke at length about one of the most endearing qualities of Sidharth Shukla – he never used to talk about girls, even the ones he dated. He said, “Whenever someone asked him about a girl he was rumoured to be dating, he would ignore the question. Some people say we are just friends, he would simply ignore the question. He would never mention a girl. Such a man he was!.”
He also revealed that Sidharth never liked the pap culture. The actor said, “He was the only actor I know who did not disclose his location to the paparazzi and never called paps. Media loved him and Sidharth used to respects paps a lot, but never let them know where he was going.” He also said he flaunted the fact that he was Shukla’s friend.
Sharing one of Sidharth‘s qualities, Vidyut said, “He was very good with wit, English or Hindi. He was intelligent and witty !! He gave answers better than anybody else. Sidharth Shukla ko harana bohot mushkil hota tha !!”
Vidyut adds, “There’s no negative thing about the man…. everything is amazing… jisko usme koi kami dikhti thi.. unme kuch kami thi.” He lastly said that he’s very proud of Sidharth Shukla and also dedicated a song to the actor.
Have a look at the live session right here:
(Source: SpotboyE)
(Image Source: VidyutJammwal, SidharthShukla)