Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla is currently busy in filming of Ekta Kapoor‘s AltBalaji‘s upcoming web series Broken But Beautiful 3. The actor was clicked by the Paparazzi late night after finishing the shoot for the web series.
He was spotted in the city around 4 o clock early morning after late night shoot. The actor was seen wearing a blue t-shirt and blue denims. Sidharth looked bit tired post shooting. As the handsome hunk headed towards his car, he interacted with the pap. The photographer asked his if he will rest whole day after shoot, to which Sidharth revealed he has to shoot in day also. Sidharth‘s fans has shared the pictures and videos of him on their social media pages.
Have a look at the Posts:
Our Champ is working so hard… ?
— SIDHARTH SHUKLA FC ❤️ (@SidShukla_1) December 22, 2020
He is returning from the set at 4:00 am.
I hope this project will become blockbuster and Sidharth gets more success with this project. ?❤️#BrokenButBeautiful3
Late night shoot….!?।!
— Sidharth Shukla Fans (@Siddians) December 22, 2020
tattooed arm suits on his personality na..? #brokenbutbeautiful3 #BBB3#SidharthShukla @sidharth_shukla
In the web-series, Sidharth will be essaying the role of a theatre director Agastya Rao. He will fall in love with a much younger girl named Rumi (Sonia Rathee). Agastya, who is nursing a broken heart, will eventually fall in love with her. The romantic-drama will release in 2021. While the filming of Broken But Beautiful 3 is in progress, Sidharth Shukla fans are super excited for his OTT debut.’
ALSO READ: Sidharth Shukla On false drunk driving allegations; Says, “It’s sad that you have gone out to help someone & they make you out to be the wrong one”
(Image and Video Source – Twitter-Viral Bhayani)