Popular mythological TV show Jag Janani Maa Vaishnodevi, which is based on the life of Goddess Vaishno Devi, is all set to go off-air. The show, which went on air in September 2019, was recently in the news after its lead actress Puja Banerjee was replaced. Puja, who is pregnant, wanted to take a break, and she was replaced by popular TV actress Paridhi Sharma in June.
The Star Bharat show is all set to call it a wrap and go off-air on 2nd October 2020. Speaking about the same in an interview with Bombay Times, actress Paridhi Sharma said, “It was a beautiful journey and I am happy that I got to essay a lead role in a mythological show. I got to do many interesting things and shooting amid the COVID-19 pandemic was also a challenge. It wouldn’t have been a smooth ride without the support of our producers, Rashmi Sharma and Pavan Kumar. I also took a lot of precautions while shooting for it. I had a kitchen inside my make-up room and used to cook my food, I also carried my own water bottle. Now, with the show ending, I will get a chance to go back to Indore and spend time with my family.”
As per reports, producer Mahesh Pandey‘s comedy show ‘Gupta Brothers Chaar Kunware From Ganga Kinare‘ will replace ‘Jag Janani Maa VaishnoDevi‘. Actor Hiten Tejwani will be seen playing the lead role on the show.